Pharmacogenomics Resources
Enrollment options
This online, self-paced, text-based module educates healthcare professionals about evidence-based pharmacogenomic resources from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC), and the Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase (PharmGKB).

It was developed by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Inter-Society Coordinating Committee for Practitioner Education in Genomics (ISCC-PEG).
To access, log in to our site (to right of this page; free registration) and click 'continue' to enroll (it's free!).
Planning Committee for the ISCC-PEG Pharmacogenomics Learning Series: Course Directors
Philip Empey, PharmD, PhD
Associate Professor and Director, Pharmacogenomics Center of Excellence
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
Benjamin Brown
American Society of Pharmacovigilance
Additional Content Reviewers
All healthcare professionals
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:- Review available evidence sources for pharmacogenomic recommendations.
- Describe the components of a CPIC guideline and how CPIC guidelines can be used by clinicians to make specific prescribing decisions for patient care.
- Explain how evidence-based guidelines are developed by CPIC.
- Retrieve the levels of evidence for gene/drug pairs.
- Integrate information from FDA, CPIC, and PharmGKB into pharmacogenomic clinical decision making.